Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Entry 29: Tingle's Top 10 Tips to Survive… A Party.

1.      Organise your party outfits in advance. It could be sunny and hot, cloudy and cold, rainy… One party dress does not fit all scenarios. Perfectly valid reason for clothes shopping :-)
2.      Ensure leg bag/bladder completely empty before arriving thus enabling much longer period of time before needing to evacuate.
3.      take medication in advance or if not, ready prepared to be chucked back at appropriate hour in the middle of the fun. Be aware of the effects of alcohol on said medication, thus any side-effects will be completely of your own making.
4.      Prepare "party survival kit" to include wet-wipes, tissues, plasters, bottle to empty catheter into, anti-bac, hairbrush. Okay the last one is mainly for the girls, but you just never know!
5.      Take two strong men, or failing that, ramps to enable access to all areas.
6.      Assess as many doorways as possible prior to alcohol consumption, in the hopes that post-alcohol consumption you will be able to navigate through them without leaving your own personal Mark of Remembrance.
7.      Have as many people as possible assist you in the eating and drinking. Score them out of 10 and reveal the winner at the end of the night. Especially get those people who appear to be slightly freaked out by pink elephant/wheelchair in the room… You'll know them. They are the ones that keep giving you funny looks or avoiding looking at you at all.
8.      Freak everybody out at least once by saying you need an ambulance. And then say "oh no, wait, it's just indigestion…"
9.      Attach mobile to forehead using wide elastic band and velcro. You'll be able to take pictures at own leisure and in-case you do pass out someone can ring your ICE contact/call cab/ or just steal your phone. Well, of course, fool. It's stuck to your head.
10.   Hydration, Hydration, Hydration. And finally, the key to successful partyage, is to thoroughly enjoy the whole evening, partake of all beverages, food, wiggle some dance moves out, and then drink a gallon of water before bed. This gives you the Ultimate Smugness the morning after...
               Them: "mate, my head's pounding like hell....what a night, eh?"

               You: "Yeah, it was great. And even though you and I consumed an equal amount of                alcohol, and we are comparative in height to weight to body mass ratios, my head is, in fact, not pounding. Ha!"

Monday, 1 July 2013

Entry 28: One Does Not Simply Walk Back into the Classroom…

When I was just a little girl I asked my mother what would I be – Will I be famous? Will I be rich? Here's what she said to me:

Que sera sera, whatever will be will be. All you can do is try your best – no one can ask anything more from you than that.

When I was just an awkward teen, my friends asked me what would I be – will I be a writer? Would I be a teacher? Here's what I said to them:

I've got no idea, don't know what I'm good at. Maybe a truck driver, may be a dreamer. But I will NEVER be a teacher!

When I became an adult, I asked myself what would I be? Earning the min wage or did I want something more? Here's what I told myself:

I know I'm not the smartest, but I'm also not stupid. I know I want to make some money, to live comfortably without having to worry. What could I do? I couldn't be a doctor. I couldn't be a lawyer. So teaching will have to do.

What I discovered was that I actually really love this profession. I'd refused to admit it for a very long time, mainly because all of my other friends were going to become primary school teachers. Rebellious me ended up as a secondary school teacher. I know I wasn't the best teacher in the world, but I also was not the worst. And I discovered my vocation – I was good at working with others with special needs. Over the years right from childhood I had always had links with children with special needs. Working with them on play-schemes, working with young adults developing their life-skills; I'm one of those people who could not sit in an office doing something that is mindless or without purpose. I wanted to make a difference in the world, and this was the niche that I fitted into.

Fast forward several years and I find myself in a horrible bus crash that has left me paralysed from the chest down. Quadriplegic, tetraplegic, cripple, gimp, Wheeler. Needing 24-hour care, complicated medical needs, unable to feed myself, clothe myself, keep myself warm, unable to turn over in bed, unable to pick up the phone, unable to…*

*Fill in the blank. I was as weak as a newborn baby, and just as helpless.

I was born again. This time with a whole new set of challenges. When I became a cripple, I asked my parents what would become of me? Would I waste away? Would I ever be happy again? Here's what they said to me:

if you want it, then do what you have to to get it. You still have your mind, You still have your voice. It's a choice and it's up to you.

Sometimes I actually feel a little bit like Frodo on his long journey to Mordor. I can remember my 'old home in the Shire', life before the accident, and it seems like so long ago it's all hazy and foggy now. I have been carrying The One Ring (paralysis) and it has affected me, seeped into my every inch of soul, mind as well as body. This burden is mine and no one else can carry it for me. Don't get me wrong, I also have my Sam, Merry and Pippin who have helped me along my journey. But my God, does it takes determination to keep on going.

This week I return to work. Taking it slow and steady, 'graded return' as they call it. It's been over 3 1/2 years since I was last in a classroom teaching. Somehow I have managed to go from being immobile on an ITU bed, with a tracheostomy and a vent machine breathing for me to being back in the classroom again. As my parents said – I still have my mind, I still have my voice and so when I decided what I wanted to do, I damn well got on and did it. 

My very first night I spent outside hospital in my new home I was absolutely terrified. Possibly more so than I had ever been in hospital, because I had nobody there but my PA. At least in hospital you know there are nurses and doctors and HCAs who know what to do if there's a problem.

I wrote the User's Manual To Tingle Tetra, for all my new PAs. I went outside (who knew that could be a goal!? But there you go!). I took a taxi by myself into town. I arranged to travel by train and actually did it. I travelled 300 miles to visit my friends and stayed in another person's house. I taught a lesson to see if I could do it. I got a pet dog. I moved from one end of the country to the other. I went shopping by myself. I became a power wheelchair skills instructor. I started a blog and I finally got a mobile phone that belongs to this century…

It would have been so easy to just stay in bed. And, truth be known, I have had my days where I just can't get out of bed because it's frankly too difficult. That's where Sam, Merry and Pippin have come to the rescue :-) not to mention both of my parents who I can still hear in my head saying "What you still doing in bed you lazy git?" (They're Scouse, and that's how they talk up there!) And a very wise sage told me that it would be in the little things that would make a difference. Don't expect to see huge leaps and bounds made, but instead little by little progress would be made, improvements would happen. And of course with the benefit of hindsight now, I can look back and see how all those things I accomplished, no matter how trivial they may seem, each one was a building block and another step forwards towards moving on with life.

And now I'm on the precipice of returning to work. I am aware that it has taken enormous amounts of input from many different sides. Whilst I know there are other teachers out there who are in wheelchairs, I have not yet come across one who is of such a high-level injury as myself. I have a feeling we may be breaking brand-new ground here. And that leaves me with a very excited feeling because we are leading the way in the field of disability employment in the teaching profession. I'm sure all sides involved are going to be learning new things and coming up against new challenges, not least of all me! But you know what – I love a good challenge so I say bring it on!