"Dealing with it" is I suppose the key phrase
here. I was luckily placed in a specialist unit for SCI, who were geared up
completely for dealing with each and every one of the things on that tick list.
There are no right or wrong approaches, simply because every person is
different and will deal with their SCI differently. It's interesting because I
don't actually remember fighting with thoughts about never being able to walk
again. I do remember the stabs of pain at the thought of never being able to
run again, but that was because in the last couple of years of my life prior to
my injury really gotten into it. For those who know me of old, they will know
that exercise and me never really mixed! And so to lose something that I had so
recently become passionate about, that was physical, was quite bitter irony.
I do remember at times I would forget I couldn't move, and I
would unconsciously go to turnover in bed, or reach out an arm to grab something
only to suddenly find I couldn't feel let alone move my fingers. These moments
didn't happen very often, however; it was as though after the very early
initial shock had worn off I had somewhere deep down accepted I could not move
and therefore did not bother to try. Instead, for me, the loss and bereavement,
the stages of grief I went through were for everything else connected to not
being able to walk and move that I seemed to feel.
There are those who are never able to accept this and
continue to fight with the idea of never being able to walk again. Often these
are people who were previously very physically active, but also they may be
eternal optimists. Or just possibly in huge denial. On the other hand it is
those who continue to battle for a cure for paralysis that raise hope for us
I spent some time reading some research that sums up the
initial and long-term impacts for people with SCI quite neatly. It says "long hospital stays with separation from
loved ones, altered appearance and attendant identity readjustment, possible
stigma, psychological shock and trauma, chronic pain, physical and functional
impairment and the need for a long period of physical and emotional healing."
The research states SCI patients have similar impacts to burns victims.
Each one of these things in that list just by its self can
cause a person to give up because they have no way of dealing with it. So how
does a person who ticks every single one of those things off on that list
somehow manage to scrape themselves together and carry on? I would have to say
in my personal experience it is having a goal, or the will and drive to want to
carry on, no matter how small it is compared to the things weighing you down,
having that drive, finding a reason to carry on, having that something to cling
to, or just simply making the choice to do so because the alternative is worse.
Some days it really is just making The Choice.

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