Friday 15 February 2013

Entry 11: Infiltration Complete

Tetra b-log, Star Date: 15022013.

 Assimilation into native surroundings has so far been successful. It has not been an easy journey and it would be a lie to say I'm not still adjusting. However, the native humanoids have been incredibly supportive at my designated infiltration point. My general observations have led me to believe that these humanoids are actually very compassionate. They carry a level of empathy (granted it is at differing amounts) which allows them to perceive some of the difficulties I must deal with adjusting to their world.

The difficulties described in the original brief have been faced and your advice was invaluable. I have stuck very closely to the team sent with me to enable my every-day functionality and has allowed my further development towards maintaining a reasonable standard of living here on this planet.

Due to the differing physical abilities that separate our species, I have found it difficult to initiate a work and recreational regime. Although I have put myself forward to many organisations, offering my services free of charge in many cases, there is often unwillingness to receive my help. The native humanoids are very suspicious of where I come from and what I'm capable of, and therefore run extensive diagnostics upon my person and background. This has taken a lot longer than expected and I have grown accustomed to having a lot of free time. Whilst this might sound pleasant, the long-term effects of this upon my mind and body have been adverse. My tolerance of noise is not what it used to be, I am no longer able to concentrate for long periods of time, and my memory has suffered. There is nothing to mark out the days as different and so therefore I end up forgetting what day it is. Much like the muscles that are no longer of use in my legs and body, I fear that my brain has also atrophied.
It appears that the natives gain respect and self-esteem as well as vital "money" for survival through employment. I am attempting to gain such employment but for the aforementioned reasons, it is taking much longer than expected.

There is a system already in place here that would suggest I am not the first of my kind to have arrived here. There are specially trained locals who interact with me frequently, and who have a greater grasp of my necessities than the general populace. They even have methods of supplying me with equipment that makes my life here bearable, and at times can even increase my comfort. Without wanting to put myself in a position where I am an object of study, I have made inroads with these native humanoids towards helping my body adjust to this planet's atmospheric conditions. They wish to put me on a course of "hydrotherapy" involving immersing my body in very warm water and move my limbs in various ways. Apparently this may lead to a significant reduction in the amount of spasms suffered and a general improvement in the muscle tone throughout the rest of the body.

A few weeks after arrival I contracted a local bacterial infection that immediately affected my lungs. Upon your advice that our lungs are not designed to efficiently take in oxygen on this planet, I immediately sought medical advice from my team and the local humanoids. Although the episode was greatly unpleasant for myself, as I was in great pain and I will admit I was scared of how little I could breathe, the overall outcome is one of success. They placed me in one of their "hospitals" were more of these 'specially trained' locals were able to administer medicine, and use specialised equipment to loosen the phlegm on my chest that the bacteria had produced. A collaboration between myself, my team, and the natives led to my healing.

I believe that further collaboration, clear communication and a willingness to understand on both sides should lead to a successful full integration in the long-term. I shall continue to report on my further discoveries of life on this planet.


  1. Well Tingle Tetra, I hope that you here to stay and that you overcome the local conditions and assimilate to the max.

    As ever, I enjoy reading your b-log.


  2. I still love your blog and I hope that your species and the humans can get along much better in future! Here's to successful integration!

    A Humanoid


  3. It's a bit scary that your species have integrated so well I didn't know there was a difference!!!
